Don’t Be An Expert: Be a Translator
The best strategic move in today’s supply chain market is to “go wide not deep”; don’t be an expert, be a translator.
Offering and Accepting Counteroffers: It’s a Mistake!
Counteroffers are a mistake for both employees and employers. Offering and accepting counteroffers leads to issues of broken trust and questioned loyalty.
A Strong First Week in a New Job Can Set a Strong Foundation
A strong first week in a new job can set a strong foundation for future success. Starting with these small steps can help ensure a positive start in a new job.
Lessons From Construction Executive Recruiters: The Top Five Things Managers Look For in a New Hire
In order to be the candidate a company cannot afford to overlook, make every effort to raise your level of professionalism. Here are the top five qualities construction industry managers look for in a new hire.
10 Cliches to Increase Productivity at Work
Productivity is an important asset in any organization. Don't spin your wheels. Follow these 10 simple changes to stop self-sabotage and
5 Ways Your Career is like Chess
Recently, my wife Jodi and I were playing chess. It was the first time she had ever played, and had been over a decade since I had. The
6 Reasons you Might Make a Job Change
Before considering making a change, consider where you are right now and where you might like to be in the future. Ask yourself these three
Mind yours Manners: Pick up the Phone
If you are just starting your career, please learn the importance of soft skills. Some recent college graduates struggle to understand
Be Open to Relocation
Manage your career by being open to relocation. Don’t let relocation get in the way of a life-changing opportunity.